The work "Rhizomarium - A virtual space for relationship structures" began in 1998 in collaboration with the German Research Center for Information Technology GMD and the Kunstmuseum Bonn.

The concept.
The medium: A CyberStage system with its multiple possibilities of linking different levels and interactive control by the viewer.

The structure: The content is designed as individual, interconnected, audio-visual scenarios, as digital exhibition spaces with images, video sequences, 3D objects and information. They are structured according to dramaturgical aspects so that the digital journey always guarantees a fascinating experience.

The interaction: These scenes each contain hidden access points to the other scenarios: for example, the many cracks, holes, bubbles and fractures in the works could serve as "black holes" through which you can playfully navigate around the entire structure. Surprises, detours, dead ends and unexpectedly falling into other levels are inevitable: Movement in the rhizomarium is like a journey into the unknown without beginning or end.